Blog News

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Quick post today to make an announcement!

No, you are not seeing things. Floss & Fibro is now! We are now a fully-fledged domain. We are still a WordPress blog, and no worries because and your bookmark will still lead you here.

It’s been five years and our free plan served us quite well for that long, but we were starting to run out of space and it was time to grow up a little bit! Not only do we now have more space, you may now notice ads on the blog (if you didn’t before). Yes, I did monetize. Please understand, I now have a monthly bill to pay – and as I’ve mentioned before, because of my health, I can’t work a paying job. This won’t change a thing about you being able to view the blog posts; the only thing that is different now is that instead of WordPress making money off ads that are put on my site, I make that money now. At least, in theory, because it’s not easy as you’d think it would be. The important thing to note is that it still costs you nothing to come read my posts. However, if you do click on an ad that happens to interest you, thank you for your help and support. It means the world to me.

And to everyone who has visited this blog over the years, whether you’ve just passed through when Googling after your or a loved one’s diagnosis, or whether you’ve stayed and become a regular reader – a huge thank you. I started this blog five and a half years ago after my diagnosis when I felt very alone, because there were very few resources online that weren’t clinical, that went more into the experience and feelings rather than the symptoms and treatments. To be honest, it started as a place I could bitch and complain about how I felt and how hard this all was, and I truly expected no one to actually read it. But I must say, I’m happy and proud that people did read it, and that some still do, and that they find it a comforting place to go to feel less alone in fighting their illnesses. And for as long as I can keep doing it, I hope it will continue to be that for everyone who finds it.

That is all for today, I just wanted to quickly let everyone know about the minor change. I do have a lot of stuff going on at the moment, but I will tell you, I do have at least one blog post planned – for hopefully soon, possibly this week. I’m going to try to get back to regular posting again now. Rest assured, I have not forgotten about the blog or any of you. ❀

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