Chronic Illness, Crafts, Crocheting, Knitting, Life with Fibro, WIPs, Year of Finishes 2018

Year of Finishes 2022 WIP Round-Up – Knit/Crochet Version

Hello again! Time for another Round-Up!

So around the beginning of 2021, I picked my yarn and needles back up after what felt like a really long break and started doing a lot of knitting and crocheting again. In fact from February to November 2021, I finished a total of 26 projects – which was beyond amazing considering that for quite a while, my knit and crochet mojo had all but vanished.

Since November, I haven’t touched my yarn or needles again. πŸ˜† But I don’t think that’s going to last that much longer, I’m starting to feel like I could pick them up again. This past week or two I did pick them up briefly, but only for a total of about 20 minutes – only long enough to test something out. But I am starting to plan out projects and patterns in my mind, so I’m sure I’ll be reaching for them soon enough.

As usual, I have a lot of WIPs on the go and I’m looking to finish several of them and make progress on a few more.

“Gift Hat”

We’ll just call this one a “Gift Hat”. I can’t say who its for or why. Just know that its one of the projects at the top of my list to finish.

Gift Hat #2

Again…gift hat. Can’t say who or why. Also at the very top of my list to finish. (Details about these gift hats will be shared more in detail once they’re finished and gifted.)

Mama Vertebrae

A few months ago I cast on a Mama Vertebrae cardigan for myself. Unfortunately…a few inches into it, I discovered I had made an accidental yarn-over. πŸ˜₯ After that I was frustrated and had to put it down. I believe I picked it back up after a bit and just focused on fixing my stitch count and went on. The yarn over is easy enough to fix and I will simply fix it by mending the hole together later. So about time to pick this one back up.

Simple SKYP Socks

After years of having him hint (more like blatantly ask) I’m finally making a pair of socks for my husband. But he’ll still be waiting for a while, because unfortunately for me he has larger feet than I do and it takes me forever just to make a pair of socks for myself. However, since I taught myself how to knit socks with magic loop last year (and looooooove it like seriously why did it take me so long to try learning again) it’s so easy to throw a pair of socks in a bag to take with me on the go. Not that I “go” enough to make a huge difference, but it’s still a nice skill to have.

Sandshore Cardigan

My Sandshore cardigan should be an “easy” enough finish. It’s made with nice thick worsted/Aran weight yarn (I’m using good ol’ Paton’s Classic) on large needles, so it goes faster. It may end up being a project to focus on when I get to picking my needles back up because it might be quite motivating.

Uptown Poncho

I’m still working diligently on my Uptown Poncho. This is just an easy, plain cotton yarn triangular poncho with a pretty border – but since the body is made entirely of long rows of herringbone half-double crochet, the stitching doesn’t go as fast as I’d like. But it still goes very fast when you realize how much yarn you go through in just a short session. I can use up an entire skein (about 100 yards) in approximately an hour or two. The problem is after a short time, this one starts to hurt my upper arm – whether it’s because it’s cotton yarn or because of this particular stitch. So this one will continue to have to go in short sessions when I’m able to.

Low Priority WIPs

And I have a ton of low priority WIPs on this list – especially because I’m trying to prioritize my quilting and cross stitch projects this year, I think. My LP projects are a mix of relatively quick and easy projects that are realistic to finish – like finishing a second of the African Flower Square Throw Pillows (top left) for my living room couch – to longer term projects like my Modern Granny Afghan (bottom left) and Just Right Socks (bottom right) to less important projects like both my Sketch-It and Crosspatch Cowls (top middle and top right respectively). Also, a few other projects would fit into this category that I have not included or pictured – like finishing the stuffies from my story series, off the top of my head. There’s just way too many WIPs I have to chase them down, photograph, and remember all of them.

Finish or Frog?

So now that I’ve done a lot of work to figure up my WIPs, I’ve done some thinking about whether all of them are still currently bringing me joy. Of course upon reflection, the answer is no. So I do believe I will be going ahead with The Great Frog-A-Thon of 2022 (Part 1?) soon. I haven’t made any commitments yet, but I do believe that on the list of WIPs to go so far is (clockwise from top left) Double Layered Braided Cowl, Grey Gardens, Malia Shoulder Bag, Naira Wrap (to be restarted – lost row count), and Zombie viXens. I’ll update later with what I decide.

Well, three down and only one more to go! I fully intend to finish the project round-up this week with post #4 so from now on we can focus on actually making progress and monthly update (and hopefully finishes) posts. Stay tuned for all the “everything else” projects that I’ve had end up accumulating.

This post was a short one (at least for my posts) but I had so many projects that I knew would be a lower priority or I thought upon reflection I’d rather frog than actually finish, so I thought it’d be nice to go with some brevity this time. But be prepared – our last post may either be even shorter (if I decide I don’t want to include every little thing on the list) or much longer (if I start pulling out stuff and realize…I have issues, so many issues). Only time will tell!

Remember, if you’d like to participate, leave a comment! You’re also invited to join the Chronic and Crafty Facebook Group, where a few of us are diving into our WIPs and trying to get it all under control and cheering each other on.

Stay safe out there everyone, be safe, and see you again soon!

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