Chronic Illness, coping, COVID-19, Crafts, family, Life with Fibro, Moving

What’s Up?

I know! It’s been another minute since I’ve made a post. What can I say? The reality is that my life is chaotic sometimes, and I go through long periods where I don’t know what to post on the blog/I don’t have the spoons to do anything new with the blog. I also get wrapped up in all my ventures and don’t want to tear myself away to create a post. I’m going to try really hard to get back to semi-regular posts though, and pay a little bit more attention to the blog. Give me grace; like everyone else, I’m doing the best I can. 😊

So let’s get to it: what in the heck has happened since I last posted back in…my goodness…May of 2020. 😳 Well, for starters…I moved! Yep, again – and as a fellow Spoonie you undoubtedly know how difficult it is to move. It was especially rough this time too, because it was another instance of moving to not just a new house but a new city – although this time, it was only an hour away instead of almost three hours away (when we moved back in 2016). We got a fabulous opportunity to buy our own house, and since owning our own home has been a wish and dream of ours for a long time, we absolutely could not say no. Moving came with a lot of caveats: my husband’s job is still in our old city and it’s too good of a job to quit, so he now commutes nearly an hour every day to and an hour from work (two hours total). My son also had to leave all his friends, which made him super sad – but he’s adjusting, and he communicates with them over chat and sometimes goes all the way back to where they are to see them/spend the night. That’s something I haven’t let him do a lot of, because we’re all still trying to do our part in not spreading COVID, but…I’ve loosened my restrictions on him a bit, because we’ve ALL been vaccinated now! Yes, including me! I was reluctant to do it, given my chronic health issues and the fact that my immune system constantly disappoints me, but I finally decided to bite the bullet. It was interesting, and not necessarily all in a good way. πŸ˜• I may write a blog post later detailing my experiences with the vaccine.

What else? I’ve been busy helping to do some minor “renovations” and decorating our new house. The new house was already in pretty good shape, but definitely needed a few new coats of paint to reflect our style and a little TLC. And I’m all about the decorating, so I had to go all out with cute (and cheap) decorations and DIYs for our first holidays in the house – Halloween and Fall. I loved having a fireplace mantle to decorate before our first move, but in our other homes we didn’t have one. Now that we do, I went crazy! I hope to eventually decorate for each major holiday or season – Easter/spring, Fourth of July, and summer come to mind. We also decorated for Christmas. Our “renovations” started with painting – first we did our bathroom, then on Halloween night we got around to painting our living room/dining room/entryway (pictures in slideshow). Next came the craft room and after that we did some renovations to the staircase. We’re not quite finished with that yet, we had to take a break for cost reasons and my husband has been very busy at work (he works at Pfizer, you can just imagine why). But we’re at a place where we’re discussing it again, so soon the staircase should get finished, along with the painting/finishing of our bedroom, which will pretty much complete the top floor of the house. Then, onto the challenge of the basement – which will probably be a family room/game room/spare bedroom area – and our son’s room/bathroom. (I’m utterly terrified at the thought of trying to do his room. Teenage boys’ bedrooms are truly frightening.)

So, you know what the fact that we moved also means, right? The Babe Cave from May 2020’s post? No more. BUT…the new Babe Cave 2.0 is pretty much done, and better than ever! I want it to have a blog post all to its own, so I won’t share anything about it right now. But, I will give you a little sneaky peek…

Oh yeah baby, now THAT’S purple!

So, what else has happened? Well, we’ve been in our new house and new city now for 10 months. We’ve done a little exploring of the city to see what our new home has to offer. I’ve been to Michael’s an outrageous amount of times (and spent an outrageous amount of money too lol). I’ve started new projects, abandoned projects, and finished projects. We’ve enjoyed copious amounts of storms – from our first dusting of snow, to Snowmageddon 2021, to every day (literally every single day) rain storms from March to the end of May, with frequent showers and thunderstorms continuing through June and July. I’ve redone my MIL’s front flower bed (and collapsed in exhaustion for several days afterward). I’ve watched flowers bloom – then I’ve watched them die (because of said storms in March, April and May – nature over watering them) – then I’ve watched some bloom again. We’ve celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, and Fourth of July as a family. We’ve visited the local zoo and the botanical garden for their Christmas Lights event (magical!). I’ve picked up new hobbies (you should not be surprised at this). We’ve survived an entire year of online schooling (barely). We’ve enjoyed various critters in our yard – from rabbits to squirrels to wild foxes to all the birds fighting over our bird feeder. I’ve started a new at-home business (more on that later). I’ve taken a mess of cat photos, enjoying them getting used to their new home and laughing at the 3am zoomies up/down the staircase because they’ve never had one of those, and we’ve enjoyed a lot of kitty snuggles. We’ve collapsed a few nights in sheer exhaustion after doing home improvements, moving furniture around as we continue to get settled (even after 10 months here), and after long days of enjoying what our new home has to offer. Oh, and…we’ve bought a new car (March? April 2020?)…and subsequently had a wreck in that new car, after someone ran my husband off the highway on his way home from work one morning. (He came out of it with literally a single bruise, on his knuckle that he must have bumped during the scuffle. Our car was not so lucky, and was totaled. The unfortunate thing is that we had bought the old car outright and had no car payment on it – and because we did not have the lump sum to buy a new car again like we had then, we were forced to add another monthly bill to our expenses. Thankfully my husband has a great job – and had recently got a promotion and raise. It did, however, fully cement into place the superstition I have about red cars. Absolutely no more red cars, ever.)

So, that’s about it. Over a year’s worth of fun and chaos. It’s been an interesting ride, to say the least. Of course it’s been fun, but it’s also been challenging, as unfortunately the weather here has seemed to be totally different and has actually increased my symptoms. I’m sure that I’ll have a million things to say about that in the future though. 😊

How has life treated you guys lately? How are you doing, and what have you been up to? Hope you are doing well! I’ll be back later this week to share more about my new Babe Cave, my WIPs, and more!

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